
Harness the world Buddhist spiritual masters, mentors, practitioners, intellectuals, and environmentalists

Create a sprightful force to influence the world better by addressing burning global issues for all beings.

Exploring Buddhist Perspectives on Ecology

To examine traditional Buddhist teachings and practices related to environmental stewardship, sustainability, and interconnectedness, and their relevance in addressing contemporary ecological challenges.

Fostering Interdisciplinary Dialogue

To facilitate dialogue and collaboration among scholars, practitioners, activists, and policymakers from all the Buddhist schools covering subjects such as Buddhism, environmental science, ethics, sociology, and economics, fostering interdisciplinary approaches to spirituality and ecological sustainability.

Sharing Best Practices and Innovations

To showcase innovative projects, initiatives, and case studies that integrate Buddhist principles with ecological conservation, sustainable living, and community resilience, inspiring attendees to implement similar practices in their own contexts and keep the conference informed by updating the Web.

Promoting Ethical Consumption and Lifestyle Choices

To raise awareness about the environmental impact of consumption patterns and lifestyle choices, and to explore how Buddhist principles of mindfulness, simplicity, and non-harming can guide individuals and communities towards more sustainable ways of living as a solution to hyper-consumerism.

Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Justice

To address the urgent global issue of climate change and its disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities, and to explore how Buddhist ethics of compassion, equity, and social justice can inform climate action and environmental advocacy.

Cultivating Ecological Awareness and Mindfulness

To offer workshops, meditation sessions, and experiential activities that cultivate mindfulness, ecological awareness, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with the natural world, empowering participants to become agents of positive change.

Empowering Youth and Future Generations

To engage young people in discussions and activities that inspire them to become environmental leaders with a sense of spirituality and advocacy, nurturing a sense of responsibility and care for the planet among future generations.

Building Collaborative Networks

To establish a network of individuals, philanthropists, organizations, and institutions committed to promoting the integration of Buddhist spiritual values with environmental conservation and sustainability efforts, fostering ongoing collaboration and mutual support beyond the conference.

Catalyzing Action and Impact

To catalyze concrete actions and initiatives that contribute to environmental protection, conservation, and climate resilience, leveraging the collective wisdom, resources, and energy of conference participants towards meaningful change.

Celebrating Nature and Interconnectedness

To celebrate the beauty, diversity, and interconnectedness of all life forms on Earth, fostering a sense of reverence, gratitude, and awe for the natural world as a source of inspiration and sustenance for all beings.

Sabbe satta bhavantu Sukitatta !